Thursday, September 1, 2011

The moral of the story

The story I wrote had only one ending that worked - the one in which both the Tyrant and the False Self die. And they do have to both die to make me healthy, although the False Self is the main character. They feed each other, they make each other possible in my psyche. The Tyrant is not really my father - he is an internalized version of my father, an inner figure of censorship and destruction, much more dangerous and powerful and violent than the man ever was. The False Self is not really me. She needs to go. And only in that case does the hidden and threatened Inner Child have the chance to have the freedom to grow and develop into something that could be me.


  1. oh, beautiful. <:)

  2. What a brave journey you are setting out on. You'll need that ship in your picture!

  3. You are amazing. I am glad you are willing to share your journey.

  4. Thank you so much, guys!

    Mind you, I've no idea HOW exactly to proceed based on this stuff...

  5. What I learned on my journey, sometimes just keep moving with your goal in mind.

  6. hah, i always thought you are that ship!

  7. Thank you, Ruth. That makes a lot of sense.

    I hope and pray this new situation you're facing now proves to be a beautiful opportunity. (I'm having problems leaving comments on your blog.)

  8. Lisa, I feel like the ship, and its passenger, and the sea, and the goal of the journey, all at the same time!


I encourage comments!!!